How the WebTrans Fast Payment system works for you

Cómo funciona el sistema Fast Payment de WebTrans

Sometimes customers can be late in paying for the services, which leads the self-employed haulier to make an exercise of faith and keep working, even if this means assuming the costs of the service in advance: fuel, allowances, possible tolls…. What if there was a way to avoid this situation with WebTrans Fast Payment?

WebTrans says welcome the Fast Payment

How can a self-employed haulier continue to work if his customers have not yet paid their invoices? The goal of WebTrans has always been to make the work easier for the transport professionals and to help them to make their business more profitable.

For this reason we have created a service called Fast Payment, which will allow you to collect your invoices in advance in only 48 hours. A way to prevent you, as a self-employed haulier, from finding yourself without sufficient liquidity to continue working and financing your journeys in spite of the risk of non-payment.

Learn more about the advantages of the service

Our intention has always been to help you to boost your business, whether you are a self-employed haulier or a transport company. And one of the best ways we’ve found is by creating the Fast Payment service.

Find out more about the benefits you can get by opting for this system:

  • International service. Whether the invoices are generated in any other country, the WebTrans Fast Payment service allows you to collect any of them.
  • No unexpected charges. We will not charge you interest, and you will not need any guarantees or explanations.
  • Minimal fees. So minimal that you’ll almost never have to notice.
  • Collections within 48 hours. Whether your invoices are due in 30, 60, 90 or even more days, you can still collect them in 48 hours thanks to the Fast Payment system.
  • Maintain liquidity. With the Fast Payment service, you will not have to advance your own money in order to carry out the services, because you can collect the invoices from your clients as soon as you need them. From WebTrans we will make sure that the clients respond on the invoice collection date.

Making your day-to-day life much easier has been our main objective from the beginning. That’s why we like to share with you cases of self-employed hauliers that we have already helped with the Fast Payment service. Such as Antonio Cruz Morales, from Transportes Frontera:

” The Fast Payment service ” has been a real discovery. I contacted WebTrans through their freight exchange and when they told me about this service I didn’t even think about it, I had nothing to lose. Now I have enough cash to continue working day by day in my truck and invest in new routes that generate more income for me. I have gained in financial and mental health, because I no longer go around the world angry and complaining about invoices”.

How to use the Fast Payment System in 10 steps

To use the Fast Payment system you only need to register on our website, upload your invoices to the platform and wait 48 hours to check that the payment is already in your account.

So that there is no doubt, we are going to guide you through the 10 steps you will have to take to enjoy the WebTrans Fast Payment service:

  1. Enter the WebTrans platform.
  2. Fill in the form with your details (you will only have to do this the first time).
  3. Add the companies you work with.
  4. Accept the conditions and send your application.
  5. We will reply to your application via email with the instructions you will have to follow.
  6. Once your application has been approved, you will be able to upload your invoices. It is recommended that you group invoices from the same client into a single invoice to save costs.
  7. Fill in the form that will appear and attach the invoice.
  8. Inform your customers that they will receive an email which they must confirm in order to be able to pay the invoice.
  9. Once the invoice has been reviewed and accepted by your client. We will inform you of its status via email within 48 hours.
  10. And, if everything is correct, you will receive the amount of the invoice in your account.

At WebTrans we have created the Fast Payment service so that you have sufficient liquidity to allow you to keep moving. Because you are WebTrans’ priority. Remember, all you have to do is register on the website, attach your invoices and wait 48 hours. How can you resist something so simple?

Meet WebTrans

Fast Payment case of success. The service that every carrier wants.


caso de éxito fast payment, a self-employed haulier and manager of his small transport company, Transportes Frontera, got to know us through facebook 1 month ago and today he is already a user of our Fast Payment service. Antonio was able to collect his invoices worth €30,000 in 48 hours by paying a small handling fee of €114. 

Is it worth waiting up to 180 days to get paid when you can have your money in 2 days? If you ask Antonio, he is clear, NO!

Antonio Cruz, has told us, textually: I contacted #Webtrans because of their #Freightexchangeplatform and when they hired me this service I didn’t even think about it, I had nothing to lose, now I have enough cash to continue day by day in my truck and invest in new routes that generate me more profits. I have also gained in health

Contact us and we will inform you without obligation, you know, you lose nothing: 

-How did he do it? Antonio, owner of Transportes Frontera, grouped several invoices from the same customer who was not registered on the platform, no matter where they came from or the freight exchange, and obtained the amount of liquidity he needed, and there is no doubt that he will continue to do so every month. The cost to his company is an insignificant 0.6%, there is no bank or financial institution that can offer it.-

Do you want it for your business?  Watch this Fast Payment tutorial, we have made a simple guide to show you how easy it is.

Contact us and we will inform you without obligation, you know, you lose nothing. Visist our website.

Webtrans, where logistics moves.

Carrier, avoid the late payments

Webtrans is making it real with its new tool: Fast Payment

Are you a haulier? Self-employed? We know what you have to face every day. In your work, which is hard enough by itself, you have to add other things that take up your time and energy. In addition, you often don’t know when you’ll get paid for the work you’ve done today… until now. 

We don’t care what freight exchange you work with, where your customers are from or how much the amount on your invoices is. What matters to us is that you get the money in two days that you will not be paid for 30, 60 or 90 days. 

Because at Webtrans we know your situation and that of thousands of self-employed workers who have to fight every day for what is yours, with deadlines that are too long, which means not having liquidity at the moment. That’s why at Webtrans we have launched the Fast Payment, a tool that will solve your problems in 48 hours, because you will be able to get paid for your work in that deadline and without any kind of interest. 

This is how Fast Payment works

Like in all our technological platform, the operation of this tool is very simple and fast: 

  1. You register yourself on our platform
  2. Upload the invoices you want to our system
  3. In 48 hours you will have the money in your bank account

In this way you will already have the money that belongs to you with all the guarantees that we always offer at Webtrans. Moreover, you can also upload your invoices from any freight exchange and all at 0% interest, you will only have to pay a very low fixed rate for each invoice. We don’t ask you any guarantee, it’s so easy. 

Because we want to make your work more rentable, because we love logistics and we know that without you, the hauliers, nothing is possible, because for Webtrans you are the essential workforce. 

If you want to know more, we explain it to you without obligation:

Join the revolution.

Webtrans, your technological ally, where the logistics network moves.

Know all our services, take a look at our website.

At Webtrans we are committed to the recovery of the logistics sector and we are committed to you

In these months we have developed several initiatives so that all those involved in the logistics process can make their work more profitable and easier

At Webtrans we never stop and we always want to go further. As well as being the technological platform that solves all the needs of the logistics sector and having the most complete technological development in the sector, in recent months we have launched several initiatives to help everyone involved in the logistics process

Our extensive experience means that we are very sensitive to the current situation of the sector. Therefore, we have developed several initiatives with a single objective: to help all the people and companies that work in logistics, making their work more profitable, easier and more agile. No matter if you are a transport agency or company, a freelancer or an employee, Webtrans is also your solution. 

In particular, there have been three actions that we have launched since mid-December and that have been very well received by many employees and companies in the sector. Firstly, we reduced the cost of the Annual Subscription by almost 50%, specifically from 585 to 300 euros; secondly, we have given away the e-CMR for free for everyone and forever; and lastly, we have launched Fast Payment the tool for companies and self-employed professionals to receive their payments in 48 hours without any interest. 

Why are we carrying out these initiatives?

For years we have been in the shoes of the haulier and we know perfectly well what it costs every bureaucratic step that has to be taken and the effort of every driven kilometre. Taxes, self-employed fees, requirements from other countries, late payments, insecurity in the face of large corporations… At Webtrans we know the day-to-day life of so many self-employed professionals and companies that work in the logistics sector throughout Europe, which is why we wanted these and other actions to be an encouragement to anyone who wants and who needs it

Our ultimate goal is to boost the logistics sector in the only way that is possible, making the work of all the agents involved more profitable, facilitating the whole process, providing solutions. 

In addition, we are very concerned about the increase in the non-payment rate of the transport sector. If at the beginning of last year the average of the payment terms was 78 days, according to the latest study carried out by the Permanent Observatory of Non-Payment, this term has risen to an average of 84 days, a figure that in real life is an unbearable situation for so many self-employed workers and companies in the logistics sector. 

For all these reasons, at Webtrans we have been working hard to ensure that this economic crisis does not leave anyone by the roadside. From the first days of the beginning of the pandemic, the fundamental importance of a sector such as logistics has become clear, firstly by attending to the needs of a confined society, then as a driving force for all the sectors that have found in e-commerce a new way of doing business, and of course, as a strategic sector in the transport of the vaccines that must lead us to the end of this period. 

At Webtrans we want to walk the path with you, with the thousands of carriers, transport companies and agencies that every day, with their efforts, enhance the importance of the logistics sector. By land, sea and air, logistics is the engine that the society needs to continue evolving into a more digital, fairer and more profitable system, in which all processes are simplified

As we like to say, we are your technological ally, because we are committed to all the people involved in logistics, throughout the entire process, wherever they are. 

If you are a carrier, company or agency and you want to contact Webtrans, you can do it through this formulary and a commercial agent will contact you personally to explain to you all the details without any obligation.

Know all our services, take a look at our website.